
Retail Teams Are Better Together With Annotation

Mark up everything with BrandKeep's new Annotation tool.

BrandKeep is revolutionizing how retailers work, with powerful features like KeepMail and Brand Cards. These tools were designed to help retailers stay organized and get more work done, with less effort. With those same goals in mind, we’re excited to launch our new Annotation tool to further facilitate team collaboration and organization.

What Is The Annotation Tool?

Annotation lets you mark up PDF assets right inside of BrandKeep. Your team can leave notes and more for each other across all the workbooks, digital catalogs, training materials, look books, clinic materials, contracts and other assets stored on a Brand Card.

But, it’s more than simple notes. You can add and edit text, create shapes or freeform draw, add sticky notes with comments, highlight, underline, strikethrough, and search documents for text. All of this functionality works right in your web browser, on desktops and tablets.

Using Annotations To Their Full Potential

Here are a few ways the Annotation tool can help your team:

  • Your buyers can drop notes for each other on workbooks or digital catalogs while collaborating during orders.
  • Team members can capture notes on training materials during clinics.
  • A buyer can drop feedback for their sales reps in their digital catalog.
  • Your crew at a trade show can capture notes and feedback while meeting with brands, directly on the relevant assets.
  • Buyers can leave directions for follow-up actions to other team members.
  • And, there are countless more opportunities to harness annotations for greater collaboration and efficiency across your store.

Better Seasons Through Annotation

Annotation is also an incredibly useful tool during various stages of the seasonal buyer's journey.


During the Collaboration phase, your buyers will be working heavily with brands to build assortments. Annotation allows for quick, asynchronous communication between buyers and sales reps. It keeps the project moving forward in a way that wasn’t possible before.

The Buy phase requires a lot of planning. Annotation can play a key part, as it allows for communications and notations to be added directly on the relevant assets. Building a buy is tricky, but the ability to immediately capture relevant information, and leave notes for sales reps or other team members makes it significantly easier to navigate.

The Plan is also a great stage to use Annotation. Buyers can communicate internally as they manage the smaller orders that keep the season flowing smoothly. Your team can also communicate with brands – or internally about different marketing initiatives – leaving notes or ideas for each other. This is a great way to keep your messaging consistent across employee shifts.

A Low-key Powerful Tool

The simple act of leaving notes on a digital file doesn’t seem like all that big of a deal at first. But, how long have we been scribbling things in the margins of books, highlighting important bits, or leaving a sticky note on the monitor for a coworker? Taking notes is a fundamental part of a good workflow and team coordination.

Annotation puts that power inside of BrandKeep, enabling your team to be proactive in their approach to collaboration and growth. We can’t wait to see how our retailers take advantage of this powerful new tool in BrandKeep.


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